Can You Eat Just ONE?

Beverly Barnett
2 min readMay 19, 2022

Serving Size

This morning I was preparing one of my favorite items for breakfast, French toast sticks. They come in plain and cinnamon flavor. They are yummy! I could eat a lot of them.

However, one serving size is five sticks.

That’s a bummer, for sure.

I counted and toasted five sticks. But first I lined them up to see what I have. Five sticks are the equivalent of one slice of French toast.

This is a mind trick. Your mind says five is more than one. That’s good.

Then I added one banana, split in three pieces, one cheddar cheese stick split in half, and one cup of hot peach tea with 2 teaspoons of sugar.

Now I can prolong easily prolong my breakfast meal to twenty minutes. Twenty minutes is the magical number. It takes about twenty minutes for your body to start feeling sated.

Seems like I am fixated on numbers.

What I am is fixated on serving size. Everything that you eat that comes in as a package will have a label. On the label is the serving size and the number of calories preserving size.

Do you ever read the food package label? Do you adhere to the serving size per package?

There is one item that I cannot eat one serving size of unless I put constraints on it. That food is Lay’s potato chips. I cannot eat just one, just one serving size that is. I can’t eat just 15 chips which is one serving size. So, I don’t buy it.

If I get a craving for Lay’s potato chips, original not backed, I will go to the store and buy a single serving size bag that is in a bin of mixed chips.

Do you pay attention to serving size on food labels? Is there a food that you cannot eat just one serving size?



Beverly Barnett

For some people nursing is more than a job, it is a “calling.” Beverly Barnett believes that is the case with her. She is a registered nurse, nurse educator, he